// This file is a sample custom configuration file that implements
// the Optimization Tips in the Configuration Information dialog.
// Checking Environment variables.
// ...........................
// Set the focus to the Environment.
// Read the "TEMP" variable as a string and store the value in ENVVAR.
// this construct strips spaces from the string
TEMP = "%s", envvar
// If ENVVAR is empty, set NOTE and call NOTIFY to update the Configuration
// Information Window.
#if (envvar == "")
#note("You need to supply a valid directory for the TEMP environment variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT; for example, "SET TEMP = C:\DOS". You should reboot the PC after making this change.")
// Checking entries in WIN.INI
// ...........................
// Set the focus to the WIN.INI file.
// Set the topic to the [windows] section of the WIN.INI file.
// Read the "run" entry in the [windows] section as a string and store the
// value in RUNVAR.
run = "%s", runvar
// If RUNVAR is not empty, set NOTE and call NOTIFY to update the Configuration
// Information Window.
#if (runvar != "")
#note ("To prevent Windows from loading other tasks, remove all programs from the "run =" entry in the [windows] section of WIN.INI. After editting WIN.INI, restart Windows and then run the benchmark again.")
// Read the "load" entry in the [windows] section as a string and store the
// value in LOADVAR.
load = "%s", loadvar
// If LOADVAR is not empty, set NOTE and call NOTIFY to update the Configuration
// Information Window.
#if (loadvar != "")
#note ("To prevent Windows from loading other tasks, remove all programs from the "load =" entry in the [windows] section of WIN.INI. After editting WIN.INI, restart Windows and then run the benchmark again.")
// Checking entries in SYSTEM.INI
// ..............................
// Set the focus to the SYSTEM.INI file.
// Set the topic to the [boot] section of the SYSTEM.INI file.
shell = "%s", shellvar
// If SHELLVAR is not equal to "PROGMAN.EXE" and not equal to "EXPLORER.EXE", set NOTE and call NOTIFY.
#note("ZDBOp has only tested WinBench 96 with Windows 3.x running the shell program PROGMAN.EXE.")
// Check for fixedfon.fon. Some #9 cards are missing this entry.
fixedfon.fon = "%s", fixedfont
#if (fixedfont == "")
#note("You are missing font information the display driver should have supplied. Try reinstalling the display driver. If the problem persists, call the manufacturer's technical support line.")
// Checking entries in the Disclosure
// ..............................
// Set the focus to the Disclosure.
// Check memory
#if (WIN16 || WIN95)
#if (SYSTEMRAM < 8)
#text("Processor RAM = %d", SYSTEMRAM)
#note("WinBench 96's tests require a minimum of 8MB of RAM.")
#if (SYSTEMRAM == 8)
#text("Processor RAM = %d", SYSTEMRAM)
#note("More memory can significantly increase the PC's performance.")
32-Bit Disk Access = setting
#if ("Off" in setting)
#note("Your PC will generally perform better if you enable 32-bit disk access. Be sure you have drivers compatible with the PC's disk drive before enabling the 32-Bit disk access option.")
32-Bit File Access = setting
#if (WFWG && "Off" in setting)
#note("Your PC will generally perform better if you enable 32-bit file access.")
Disk Settings = setting
#if (WIN95 && ("LastBootPMDrvs=Off" in setting))
#text("Disk Settings = LastBootPMDrvs=Off")
#note("Your PC will generally perform better if you use protected mode disk drivers. If possible, remove any real mode drivers in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Check the File System Properties in the System Control Panel.")
Disk Settings = setting
#if (WIN95 && ("ForceRealMode=Off" in setting))
#text("Disk Settings = ForceRealMode=Off")
#note("Your PC will generally perform better if you use protected mode disk drivers. Check the File System Properties in the System Control Panel.")
OS Software Cache = oscache
#if ("SMARTDrive" in oscache)
#if (WIN95)
#note("You should remove SMARTDrive from AUTOEXEC.BAT to allow Windows 95's system cache to be most effective.")
#note("You should reduce the SMARTDrive cache size while Windows for Workgroups is running to 256KB or less. Windows for Workgroups only uses SMARTDrive to cache CD-ROM and floppy drives.")
Drive Information = dinfo
#if ("D: CD-ROM Drive" in dinfo)
OS Software Cache = oscache
#if ((WIN16 || WFWG) && ("SMARTDrive" in oscache))
#if ((" D" in oscache) == FALSE || (" D-" in oscache) == TRUE)
#note("SMARTDrive is not caching the CD-ROM drive. You should load MSCDEX before SMARTDRV in AUTOEXEC.BAT to allow SMARTDrive to cache CD-ROM drives.")